My sweet celiac and youngest, Izzy

Monday, September 12, 2011

Love having leftovers from Sunday night dinner on Mondays!

So, today the preschoolers are not in school yet I am finding time to write despite the fact neither of them took naps...........hmmmmmm.......does this mean my life is starting to get easier?  I doubt it, just a Monday day of bliss instead of the nightmare that it could have been:).  Could also be our fall weather we've had recently, my absolute excitement of this coming weekends events, who knows but this Monday is coming along pretty nicely! Best part of today?  I did not spend the entire day in the kitchen!  For those of you with gluten free or celiacs or children in general you understand this all too well.  Last night we had Sunday weekly dinner with our good, dear and close friends and fellow celiac, Henrietta who also coincidentally is my partner in crime in this lovely culinary and life adventure here in this vey interesting part of the country....not really the south, not really the midwest.....somewhre we are caught in between and totally out of our element:).  So, this week I made Tyler Florence's meatloaf with tomato relish and mushroom risotto and peas and she made the salad and the most amazing pound cake ever for desert!  All of these gluten free twists I will post but the best part is the fact that we had a real homemade yummified dinner for 8 as various other family members were off doing other things and we all had enough leftovers for dinner tonight!  Is there really any better Monday night dinner? 

Here is the recipe for the meatloaf and tomato relish: BUT I did do two parts ground beef and one part ground pork as well as using a sheet tray versus a loaf pan and I used the gfree bread crumbs already prepared this time but have taken three slices of gfree bread, toasted it and ground it in the food processor as well................SO YUMMY!

Risotto is a funny thing, it takes time and love and is naturally gluten free depending on the ingredients you add to it but it makes a fanatastic Sunday night dinner sidekick for most anything or as a stand alone dish!

This is my favorite recipe and does not go far off of my own recipe and makes fantastic leftovers as well...risotto leftovers you say?  Oh yes, you add a little more chicken stock and heat through and it is as good, if not better than last nights!

Not sure Henrietta will give even me the recipe for the poundcake much less the availability to share but everyone can throw their favorite salad together:) hehehe.

If you want the honest truth that poundcake was so yummy we actually ate some for breakfast as well:) it was truly delicious and miost and positively sinful but so simple!

Today I spent ordering of all my flours and ingredients to make breads and everything else I need after our apple picking adventure that will happen this weekend.......add that to Lana's check up this'a gonna be a busy week....all sorts of thing going through my mind about what I will make next week.

Here are a few things I did with end of summr fruits and veggies though: blueberry jam, peach preserves, strawberry jam, homemade marinara, pickles and pickled okra!  Using up the end of summer adventures from the Farmer's market is so exciting and fun!  Now we are moving into fall and I am equally as excited! Fall is my favorite time of year but it not always easy to come up with easy substant classics of our favs that are also gfree....enjoy this next series of posts and see what we can come up with and where life takes us this fall! 

St. Louis here we come!!!!1

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