My sweet celiac and youngest, Izzy

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Playin it safe

It can be so overwhelming all of the products Gluten can be in.  Shampoo/Conditioner; make up; lotions; sunscreens– it’s not just foods you need to watch out for!  A lot of people do not realize this but depending on how sensitive you are, it could be a big deal. You have to read labels on EVERYTHING!  Whether you are GF for behavioral and focus issues, have a GF intolerance or celiac disease, it’s important that you are aware of this and read labels on everything.  When you are trying to eliminate Gluten you can have absorption in other ways that can keep you from achieving your goal or getting better.  Because products constantly change and their  formulas change to suit the needs of the economy, consumer and the company it’s equally important to spot check once you do find a product you like.  For instance, Aveeno lotions did not use to have anything with Gluten in it and when they reformulated it, it popped up on a list and when I went to check the label, there it was.  It’s something you really have to check for, dairy and peanuts (which Isabelle is also allergic to) can be found in these types of products also so CHECK< CHECK< CHECK those labels!
I decided to share two GF/DF/peanut free recipes for Playdough.  But there are a few premade items on the market:; and there is a product out now called Moon Dough which is silicone based and says it’s hypo-allergenic and wheat free.  This does not mean it’s gluten free but I did allow Isabelle to play with it for a little while and she had no reaction whereas when she plays with regular Play dough she looks as if someone has burned her. 

Play Clay :
1C potato or corn starch
2C baking soda
1 1/4 C cold water
1 TBSP oil of choice
2-3 drops of food coloring (optional)

Mix together the starch and baking soda.  Mix together wet ingredients.  Pour dry ingredients into sauce pan follwed by the wet ingredients and heat until clay holds together into a ball (approx 3 min) and then turn heat off.  Spoon dogh onto parchment paper and let cool slightly, roll dough in parchment paper forming a cynlinder and cool completely then knead a little before using.

Salt Dough:
1 C table salt
1 C white rice flour
1/2 C water, more as needed
2 drops food color, optional
1 tsp vegetable oil, if needed
Mix dry ingredients together in a saucepan.  Pour in water and food coloring if using. Cook over medium heat until dough forms into a ball.  If dough is too dry to hold, add more water 1 TBSP at a time.  Spoon dough onto parchment paper and let cool slightly.  Knead until smooth and shape into a ball.  If dough is too hard, knead in 1 tsp of oil until it's well distributed

"Play" Doh

3 cups flour (corn flour or rice flour, depending on your needs)
1/3 cup salt
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup water
A few drops of food colouring (I find that 3-6 work fine for this amount of doh).

Mix the flour and salt together with the vegetable oil in a large bowl. Add food colouring to water in a separate cup, and mix together. Bit by bit, add the coloured water to the combined flour, salt and oil mixture. Mix the combined ingredients together with a spoon, turn the mixture out onto a flat surface sprinkled lightly with a little more flour, and knead the doh until smooth and evenly-coloured. You're done, and ready to play!

Non-cook Play Dough recipe:

1/2 cup rice flour
1/2 cup corn flour
1/2 cup salt
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 cup boiling water
Add to the water: 1 teaspoon cooking oil, a few drops of food colouring

Mix all dry ingredients together, add boiling water with added ingredients and stir until it blends into a ball. Put onto a bench sprinkled with rice flour and knead till no longer sticky. Add extra corn flour and rice flour till you get doughy yet not sticky dough (usually an extra 1/2 cup of rice flour and 1/2 cup of corn flour are required for this process).

Make ure in all of these recipes you don't overdo or add too much food coloring (make sure your food coloring is also GF - McCormick and Wilton says they are) as it may stain the hands. All of these recipes you store in an airtight container when not in use.

Hope you have fun and enjoy a fun play day with the kiddos!

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